Slint is a mysterious band. They formed up in the late 80s, recorded two albums and broke up before the latter was released. They didn't tour. Fans and 'interested female vocalists' could contact them at the drummer's parent's house in Louisville. They included the address in the album's liner notes.
When they did have shows in the Lexington area before they quietely imploded, they hand-flyered at gas stations. Their first show was held in a church as local rock n roll flavor for Sunday service. Devotees walked out.
An early incarnation of the band went on tour with Samhain when the cofounder was 14 years old. Steve Albini produced their first album. Bonnie "Prince" Billy took the photos that ended up as their second album cover. PJ Harvey wanted to sing for them.
So who on earth were these guys, and what was going on in Louisville, Kentucky that made them possible?
To put it succinctly, they were a few quiet, talented dudes with a dedicated basement to practice in. Beyond that, this Lance Bangs doc will have to do the rest of the talking.
Bangs interviews key members of the group, along with their friends, collaborators, and most consequentially, drummer Britt Walford's parents, who gave the band everything they needed in their early stages to form their sound. It's sweet. Also featured in "Breadcrumb Trail" is the story of Britt shitting into someone's drink, amongst other, ahem, curious hijinks.
Fantastic doc.
If you're unfamiliar with their sound or due for a refresher, here's my favorite track of theirs at present.