Going to the cookie exchange? It just got real. Head on over to Copypastry and get your face made into a cookie cutter.

Going to the cookie exchange? It just got real. Head on over to Copypastry and get your face made into a cookie cutter.
Actually it's an Octopus Stinkhorn (Clathrus archeri), a type of fungus. But a girl can dream, can't she?
Passive resistance in a nutshell (or an occupied dogfort.)
Erebus is a vampire who seeks psychiatric treatment for his hemophobia. Turns out he really likes mambo sauce. [vimeo]
It would be pretty scary to see what he does to a pumpkin spice latte.
In 1965 Yves Saint Laurent introduced the cocoon bridal dress. Said to be inspired by Russian nesting dolls, it makes me think of a different kind of red wedding.
After this year's San Diego Comic Con, I talked to Joelle Jones, the artist and creator of Lady Killer, a hit comic about Josie Schuller, a midecentury housewife who also… Read the rest of the article: Interview: Joëlle Jones, the artist behind Lady Killer
They've already made up their minds about annoying buzzing noises we humans are in two minds about.
For anyone who has raised children: sing along, you know the words.
Full-grown American Bully Prince Hector is the paragon of patience with his itty-bitty playmate, King Rambo.
Don't believe me? Just watch.
This is my reaction every time I read Boing Boing's Facebook comments.
Looks like Disney wasn't lying when they portrayed forest animals helping clean homes.
A peck on the cheek would be a much better idea.
Not sure about this new adaptation of J.G. Ballard's High Rise.
My Doglish is rusty, but I think he might be telling the person holding the phone to rotate his phone.
Thursday is for environmentally-conscious puppies only.
Where are my antacids?
A simple reminder of how uplifting laughter can be.
Hanging on to that wiper must be murder.