If you're going to burgle a home, be careful what leaves your behind.

If you're going to burgle a home, be careful what leaves your behind.
Video of this incident is making the rounds online, and is extremely graphic.
As the illegality of visiting the island slips into history, I thought I'd enjoy it before everything changes
Despite celebrity endorsements from such luminaries as Kourtney Kardashian and Holly Madison, a new review of 10 studies (4 human, 6 animal) shows no evidence for any benefit from the practice. Many believe it can provide pain… Read the rest of the article: Eating that placenta isn't going to do you any good
Monogrammed underwear supposedly belonging to Eva Braun can be yours.
The US Army took down its homepage on Monday following an attack by the Syrian Electronic Army. Other government sites, including US Strategic Command, were also down. Posted messages included… Read the rest of the article: US Army homepage hacked by the Syrian Electronic Army
The companies that collect all our personal data, hold them forever, and shamelessly use them for their own profit want us to believe that we get something in return. Why else… Read the rest of the article: Why do we give away personal data on the internet? Because we've given up.