Games that pit players against their own ignorance and paranoia are exploding in popularity. Matt M. Casey finds our love of society and storytelling at the heart of the Social Deduction genre.
Matt M. Casey -
Matt M. Casey Matt M. Casey on Golem Arcana, one of the new offerings whose gameplay leaps from tabletop to tablet.
Matt M. Casey Worker displacement games will soon pack the shelves at your local tabletop game store. For that, you can thank Five Tribes' designer Bruno Cathala. By Matt M. Casey
Matt M. Casey Game designer Stefan Feld has designed eight published games that focus on dice. Each takes its own approach to using the 5,000-year-old randomizers without creating a random winner. By Matt M. Casey
Matt M. Casey What should you expect from the D&D Fifth Edition Monster Manual? Matt M. Casey says depth, texture, and story. "It may be Wizards' best Monster Manual ever."