Twaggies presents another quiz, which on this occasion shall have you under the counter
David K. Israel -
David K. Israel In this quiz, you must decide whether 15 apps are for real, or completely made-up. From scatological humor to ethnic insensitivity and tasteless decor, the mobile marketplaces have … some… Read the rest of the article: Quiz! Are these tasteless mobile apps real or fake?
David K. Israel Twaggies presents another quiz, which this time will have you in knots of frustration behind the media center.
David K. Israel In 2002, The Economist writer/editor Emily Bobrow gifted me a copy of Helen DeWitt's The Last Samurai and my life changed forever. It's one of those novels that you can… Read the rest of the article: An interview with novelist Helen DeWitt
David K. Israel Twaggies presents another difficult quiz that should leave even the most addicted netizens lacking results. Optimize your engines after the jump!
David K. Israel "Pac-man's skeleton" by Le Gentil Garçon, in collaboration with François Escuilié, palaeontologist Twaggies presents a quite impossible quiz that should tax even the hardest-core retrogamers. The subject: musical scores from… Read the rest of the article: Namco Music Quiz!
David K. Israel Twaggies presents: Behold! Obscure Muppets! Can you name them? Take our quiz and find out!
David K. Israel Our lives are filled with the buzzing and beeping of electronics and other machinery. But just how familiar are we? If your life depended on knowing the difference between the… Read the rest of the article: Sound recordings quiz!
David K. Israel Play a quiz, give a dollar or more to the charity of your choice, and maybe win an iPad! All it takes is a moment of an ordinary day, and… Read the rest of the article: Bazinga! Play now to win cool stuff and help fix the world
David K. Israel Photo: Stéfan Le Dû We've isolated some distinctive–and not-so-distinctive!–audio snippets from the Star Wars flicks. Think you can identify them all? After you take the quiz, come on back and… Read the rest of the article: Star Wars Sound Effects Quiz!
David K. Israel We've collected screenshots from 15 popular—and not-so-popular—video games. Think you can pick the correct title from a list of four? As many of these franchises were offered on multiple platforms,… Read the rest of the article: Boing Boing Video Game Quiz!