This is the trailer for an upcoming horror movie called The Djinn. Watching it reminded me of a story. Just before COVID-19 really came into its own in the winter… Read the rest of the article: My Life on the Road: The Jinn

This is the trailer for an upcoming horror movie called The Djinn. Watching it reminded me of a story. Just before COVID-19 really came into its own in the winter… Read the rest of the article: My Life on the Road: The Jinn
According to India Today, cyber security researcher Dave Walker managed to sort out that Mark Zuckerberg uses Signal—the encrypted messaging service you should likely be using, too—to yap online with… Read the rest of the article: Mark Zuckerberg loves him some Signal Messenger
If you listen closely, you can hear the whine of a misogynist complaining about the imaginary incompetence of credibly competent women. It takes a spectacular stool sample of a chauvinist,… Read the rest of the article: Misogynists wrongly blame woman sailor for ship stuck in Suez Canal
I spent years toiling in the wordmines for a wide variety of tech publications before one decided that it would be a good idea to give me a salary and… Read the rest of the article: Say farewell to LG's occasionally wonderful smartphones
Security expert Alon Gal reports that the personal data of 533m Facebook users was dropped on the Internet. Some will loathe the fact that the phone numbers associated with their… Read the rest of the article: Facebook leak exposes personal info on 533m users
The worst of winter is behind us. Things are still terrifying out there, but vaccinations have begun (unless you live anywhere other than a high-income nation). It might just be… Read the rest of the article: Tuesday tunes: Here Comes the Sun – Frankie Gavin & De Dannan
I've been using Moment's lens system since the company was a scrappy Kickstarter startup. For a fella keen on traveling with nothing more than the pack on his back, they… Read the rest of the article: Upcycling gave me an iPhone case I absolutely love
I've been writing a book. For twenty-five years. 1996I discovered the works of Raymond Chandler, Dashiell Hammett and Brendan Behan. I was in journalism school, at the time. I was… Read the rest of the article: I've been writing a book for 25 years
The more protective equipment you wear while riding a motorcycle, the less of a chance there is that someone will use what's left of your helmet to scoop you into… Read the rest of the article: Ride a motorcycle? Love living? Get this
I've been using Instapaper for a long time. Typically, I read the stories I save to the service it one of my tablets. There's an app for that. There is,… Read the rest of the article: Mac users: turn any webpage into an app with Fluid
Aside from a viable COVID-19 vaccine made free to everyone, this is exactly the news that 2020 needs! Following on from the recent Jurassic Park-themed teaser, Hulu put out a… Read the rest of the article: Official Animaniacs trailer
As a fella that's been hit in the head, a lot, I tend to forget things, a lot. I've got the same stuff going as a lot of folks do:… Read the rest of the article: This five-year diary is my new favorite thing
For me, James Crumley ranks right up there with the likes of Donald Westlake (AKA Richard Stark) and Raymond Chandler. His novel, The Last Good Kiss, is on constant rotation… Read the rest of the article: Writing advice from crime novelist James Crumley
I'm just gonna go ahead and say it: Canadian Geese are assholes. Every single last one of them. They shit and they hiss. They're greasy when cooked and if you… Read the rest of the article: Canadian goose enters home & fails to kill anyone
If you pay for a Disney+ subscription, watch it over at a pal's house, use someone else's log-in credentials or torrent, you're likely already aware: the second season of The… Read the rest of the article: PSA: The Mandalorian season 2 is almost here
I'm not sure if this is a genius plan for keeping the lights on at an otherwise vacant theme park during this time of plague or a fresh low point… Read the rest of the article: Work remotely from this Japnese theme park
Having played X-wing and TIE Fighter (a lot) back in the day, my having had a PS4 given to me to use made investing in Star Wars Squadrons a given.… Read the rest of the article: Review: Star Wars Squadrons
Mike Lindell is the CEO of MyPillow. It's a pillow company! So, when he claims that oleandrin is an incredible breakthrough in the fight against COVID-19, you know you can… Read the rest of the article: Anderson Cooper tears MyPillow CEO open like a bag of chips
There aren't many video games that my wife and I agree on as we do with House House's Untitled Goose Game. That the game is receiving a free two-player cooperative… Read the rest of the article: Untitled Goose Game will soon be a two-player joint
When I was a kid, something inspired me to jam so much Cheese Whiz up my nose that, even after a trip to the hospital, there's still very likely some… Read the rest of the article: LEGO piece spends two years inside of a child's skull