We've had an amazing time during our stint as guest bloggers on the ever fabulous Boing Boing. In discussing our experience, we both noted how much we'd actually learned, and… Read the rest of the article: So Long, and Thanks for All the Comments
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart -
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart Step back a bit from your computer and see if this dog's snout doesn't appear to be otherworldly. Cool, huh? (Thanks, Claire!) (Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart are guest bloggers)
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart Most everyone I know loves a good inside joke. You know, the kind that makes fun of some stereotypical characteristic of some subset of human beings, yet applauds the lifestyle… Read the rest of the article: Stuff Journalists Like
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart One of the most fun gigs I have right now (next to getting to be a guest blogger on BB!) is working with the good people at Coverleaf, who produce… Read the rest of the article: Ancient Pyramids in Bosnia?
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart About a year ago, John Wells left New York and moved out to Terlingua, Texas, to take a stab at living off the grid. My brother's experience was part of… Read the rest of the article: Glimpses into The Field Lab
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart There's beer in my chocolate! There's chocolate in my beer! Somehow this combo doesn't feel nearly as right as Reese's famous mixing of peanut butter and chocolate. I drink many… Read the rest of the article: Chocolate Beer
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart I really enjoyed today's offering over on the Average Jane Crafter blog, where she discusses the loss of an important scar that made her feel like the hard core crafter… Read the rest of the article: The Importance of Battle Scars
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart We have a friend visiting who's on her way up to Yellowknife, Canada, to see the Northern Lights. While poking around the net researching her trip, I found James Pugsley's… Read the rest of the article: Photos of the Northern Lights
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart As a long-time couple, finding art or photography that we both enjoy can sometimes be difficult. For instance, we've been searching for a painting of the rolling hills of Sonoma… Read the rest of the article: Amazing Photography of Bees and Bunnies and More, Oh My!
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart I found this chart from the IEEE Spectrum showing the worldwide breakdown of industrial robots to be fascinating. I'm not surprised that Japan has the highest density of robots per… Read the rest of the article: Where are all the Robots?
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart I'm not really sure what it means that the two people I showed this Electric Bath Duckie to both said it was a good gift idea, but I really like… Read the rest of the article: Electric Bath Duckie
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart Scott Beale over at Laughing Squid recently posted this amazing commercial from Germany. Scott writes: Evolution of Technology is a fantastic ad created by Scholz&Friends Group for the German electronics… Read the rest of the article: Robotic Evolution
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart Ralph Cooksey-Talbott is a landscape photographer who studied under Ansel Adams in Yosemite in the 1970's. Ansel published one of his photographs in the portfolio section of his book "Polaroid… Read the rest of the article: Cooksey-Talbott's Vertical Panorama Landscapes
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart Three German children under the age of 8 were caught trying to get to Africa so two of them could get married. In warm environs, no less. When asked why… Read the rest of the article: Young Lovers Try to Elope to Africa
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart I've always really liked jellyfish. I can spend hours zoning out at the jelly exhibit at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. And I'm almost as enthralled with these jelly sculptures made… Read the rest of the article: Gulnur Ozdaglar's PET Jellies
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart I really enjoyed this interview with 97-year-old Chikabo Kumada, a botanical artist in Japan. His philosophy about life is every bit as lovely as his paintings. Here's a snip: Mr.… Read the rest of the article: 97-year-old Botanical Artist
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart We like both of these ABC sets for very different reasons. The modern design deck by Jen Renninger is hip, modern, retro, and old school, all at the same time.… Read the rest of the article: Two Appealing Alphabet Sets
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart This made my night. As news is coming out of Minnesota that the state Canvassing Board is ready to certify Al Franken as the winner of the very close senate… Read the rest of the article: Al Franken Does Mick Jagger
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart As 40somethings raising kids, we seem to have finally outgrown celebrating the start of the new year by getting real drunk and staying up late. We still stay up past… Read the rest of the article: Traditions That Make You Feel Good
Shawn Connally and Bruce Stewart Heather Moore, the talented proprietor and blogger of Skinny Laminx, recently wrote a couple of CAPTCHA security code poems that speak to the wordsmith inside me. The comments about them… Read the rest of the article: CAPTCHA Poetry