Theresa DeLucci got a letter published in the only publication for girls that really attempted educational journalism—amid Twin Peaks fashion spreads and celeb interviews with grunge luminaries like Kurt Cobain and Kim Gordon.
Theresa DeLucci -
Theresa DeLucci Theresa DeLucci wonders what form the revived series will take when it hits screens in 2016.
Theresa DeLucci Everybody is invited to the table in Hannibal's bloody season-two finale. And Theresa DeLucci does mean everybody. She loves a good surprise–or five.
Theresa DeLucci A classic moment from the Lecter legendarium hits the small screen. Theresa deLucci reviews the latest episode.
Theresa DeLucci Theresa DeLucci reviews Ka No Mo, wherein our two favorite psychos' mutual obsession becomes too much for both of them.
Theresa DeLucci "Boundaries will always be subject to negotiation," Alana tells Hannibal. It's almost like she's watching this show. This week's offering was another "palate cleanser" course in Japanese cuisine and that… Read the rest of the article: Hannibal's long(pig) con "Naka-Choko" [TV Recap, S2E10]
Theresa DeLucci Analogy: it's what's for dinner. While last week's episode of Hannibal saw Dr. Lecter and Will Graham reflected in a pair of men with a similarly corrupted power dynamic, "Shiizakana"… Read the rest of the article: Hannibal's not-so-lovely bones: "Shiizakana" [TV recap S2E9]
Theresa DeLucci Theresa DeLucci on the latest complication in the stylish serial-killer show: the Verger siblings, ready to be entangled with our antiheroes.
Theresa DeLucci Characters are dropping like… well, like characters on a televised serial killer drama, I suppose.
Theresa DeLucci Theresa DeLucci reviews the latest episode in an ongoing feast of horrors. More recaps of Hannibal in our review archives.
Theresa DeLucci This is the second time since the premiere that we've opened Hannibal with a visual juxtaposition of how similar yet different Will Graham and Hannibal Lecter are. This go round… Read the rest of the article: Nightswimming with Hannibal: "Mukozuke" review [s2e5]
Theresa DeLucci After the relative quiet of last week's episode, "Takiawase" threw one punch after another, with a few eyeball kicks to round the hour out. There was cause for screams, squirms,… Read the rest of the article: Hannibal is the best buzzkill "Takiawase" [s2e4]
Theresa DeLucci The trial of Will Graham gets off to a bloody start in this week's episode of Hannibal. We open with a disorienting dream of Will BBQ'ing himself in an electric… Read the rest of the article: Hannibal's justice is more than blind in "Hassun" [s2e3]
Theresa DeLucci Hannibal's premiere hit the ground running, but it felt like half of an episode. We barely even met the "artist" behind the giant corpse-eye mural, because there was so much… Read the rest of the article: Hannibal's terrifying gaze inward, in "Sakizuki" [s2e2]
Theresa DeLucci Mikkelsen's civilized serial killer returns for another season of Hannibal. Theresa DeLucci takes a bite out of the show's mad metaphors.