News organizations and Digital Security: solutions to surveillance post-Snowden


I'm in Washington, D.C. today with the Freedom of the Press Foundation for a day-long event, "News Organizations and Digital Security, Solutions to Surveillance Post-Snowden."

Heavy hitters are present, talking about encryption and security in real-world practice–including including Dana Priest, investigative reporter, Washington Post; James Risen, investigative reporter, New York Times; Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist and senior policy analyst, ACLU; Julia Angwin, investigative reporter, ProPublica; all of The Intercept's security team and others. — Read the rest

Opsec, Snowden style

Micah Lee, the former EFF staffer whom Edward Snowden reached out to in order to establish secure connections to Glenn Greenwald and Laura Poitras, shares the methodology he and Snowden employed to stay secure and secret in the face of overwhelming risk and scrutiny.

NSA facial recognition: combining national ID cards, Internet intercepts, and commercial facial databases for millions of people

A newly released set of slides from the Snowden leaks reveals that the NSA is harvesting millions of facial images from the Web for use in facial recognition algorithms through a program called "Identity Intelligence." James Risen and Laura Poitras's NYT piece shows that the NSA is linking these facial images with other biometrics, identity data, and "behavioral" data including "travel, financial, behaviors, social network." — Read the rest

NSA records every cell phone call in the Bahamas

The NSA and US DEA trick contractors working for the Bahamian phone companies into letting them record the full audio of every call placed in the Bahamas, according to newly published Snowden leaks released in an article in The Intercept. The NSA exploits the "lawful interception" system for conducting wiretaps without having to notify phone companies in order to harvest the full run of cellular calls, apparently as an engineering proof-of-concept in order to scale the program up to larger nations. — Read the rest

A Vindication for the Public: Guardian and Washington Post Win Pulitzer Prize (A statement from Edward Snowden)

I am grateful to the committee for their recognition of the efforts of those involved in the last year's reporting, and join others around the world in congratulating Glenn Greenwald, Laura Poitras, Barton Gellman, Ewen MacAskill, and all of the others at the Guardian and Washington Post on winning the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service. — Read the rest

NSA wiretapped 122 world leaders; GCHQ penetrated German satellite companies for mass surveillance potential

Newly disclosed documents from the trove Edward Snowden provided to journalists reveal the existence of the "Nymrod" database that listed 122 world leaders, many from nations friendly to the USA, that were spied upon by the NSA. Included in the list is German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was already known to have been wiretapped by the NSA thanks to an earlier disclosure. — Read the rest