Maker's New Year's resolutions

Make staff editor Arwen O'Reilly asked a bunch of makers what their New Year's resolutions are. The answers, posted on the Make blog, are surprising and inspiring.

Bunnie Huang:

1. Learn something new from a child or teenager, especially in your area of greatest expertise.

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Xbox hacker's view of manufacturing in China

Chumby co-founder and Xbox hacker Bunnie Huang has recently returned from a trip to China, where he was arranging for manufacturing of his goods. He's written an incredible narrative of the trip called "Adventures with the Venture Communist" — a rumination on the social, political and asthetic dimensions of China's runaway, cheap-as-hell manufacturing sector. — Read the rest

Audio from Gilmore/Barlow talk at USC

The audio from Tuesday's night's standing-room-only lecture by EFF co-founders John Gilmore and John Perry Barlow at my USC lecture series is online (thanks to Mike Jones and Andy Sternberg for their yeoman duty!). Gilmore and Barlow are pioneering giants of cyberspace, having created many of the institutions and safeguarded many of the liberties we take for granted today. — Read the rest

Audio, slides from Jason Schultz's USC talk on Internet Freedom

USC's Annenberg Center for Public Diplomacy is hosting audio from last week's speech by Jason Schultz, the EFF lawyer who runs the patent-busting project. Jason gave a great talk on Internet Freedom (his slides are online, too) — the ways in which we've benefitted from an open Internet, and the ways that openness is threatened on all fronts, by legislators, greed, and censors. — Read the rest

Xbox hacking book aborted by the DMCA

Bunnie Huang, the MIT grad student who hacked the Xbox, has had his publishing deal with Hungry Minds for a book on hacking the Xbox killed because the publisher is scared that MSFT will come after them with the DMCA. So he decided to self-publish the book, but the shopping-cart service he used also got scared off by the DMCA. — Read the rest