Daniel Ellsberg: If Gen. Petraeus won't serve a day in jail for his leaks, Edward Snowden shouldn't either.

General and former CIA director David Petraeus shared damaging information with his lover/biographer, and will receive what amounts to a slap on the wrist for his indiscretion. So why do whistleblowers like Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden face such bleak prison sentences, or worse, for what the US classifies as Espionage Act offenses? — Read the rest

Charitable Giving Guide

Here's a guide to the charities the Boingers support in our own annual giving. As always, please add the causes and charities you give to in the forums!

News organizations and Digital Security: solutions to surveillance post-Snowden


I'm in Washington, D.C. today with the Freedom of the Press Foundation for a day-long event, "News Organizations and Digital Security, Solutions to Surveillance Post-Snowden."

Heavy hitters are present, talking about encryption and security in real-world practice–including including Dana Priest, investigative reporter, Washington Post; James Risen, investigative reporter, New York Times; Christopher Soghoian, principal technologist and senior policy analyst, ACLU; Julia Angwin, investigative reporter, ProPublica; all of The Intercept's security team and others. — Read the rest