happy mutants Here's the funniest, most scathing, most informative and most useful talk on AI and security Cory Doctorow
security Efail: researchers reveal worrying, unpatched vulnerabilities in encrypted email Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Tpmfail: a timing attack that can extract keys from secure computing chips in 4-20 minutes Cory Doctorow
happy mutants A reliable credit-card skimmer detector: a card that detects multiple read heads Cory Doctorow
security Award-winning security research reveals a host of never-seen, currently unblockable web-tracking techniques Cory Doctorow
security Hiding malware in boobytrapped replacement screens would undetectably compromise your mobile device Cory Doctorow
security 100 million VWs can be unlocked with a $40 cracker (and other cars aren't much better) Cory Doctorow
security Insurance monitoring dashboard devices used by Uber let hackers "cut your brakes" over wireless Cory Doctorow
scholarship Security researchers buy pornoscanner, demonstrate how to sneak in guns & bombs Cory Doctorow
law At VW's request, English court censors Usenix Security presentation on keyless entry systems for luxury cars Cory Doctorow