Every household should by required by law to have a horny toad cozy covered Roomba in operation at all times.
Horny Toad Roomba Cozy (via Craft)
Every household should by required by law to have a horny toad cozy covered Roomba in operation at all times.
Horny Toad Roomba Cozy (via Craft)
United States patent number 6,469 is for "buoying vessels over shoals." Granted on May 22, 1849, the concept involves equipping large boats with "india-rubber cloth, or another suitable waterproof fabric"… READ THE REST
California's Fifth Appellate District Court has unanimously ruled the owner of a Bakersfield, California, bakery who refused to sell a wedding cake to a same-sex couple in 2017 has broken… READ THE REST
The weak-kneed members of NYU's College Republicans of America chapter forced their president to resign after she told Vanity Fair that Barron Trump was "an oddity on campus." "He's sort… READ THE REST
I've always been skeptical of low-priced wine deals — it's like ordering a mystery meal from a food truck: you never really know if it's a hidden gem or just… READ THE REST
TL;DR: This course pack can teach you the secrets of stock trading—grab this $25 e-learning package while supplies last. You've heard of the stock market and Bitcoin, but what do you… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Through February 23, you can outfit your PC with Windows 11 Pro and Microsoft Office 2021 for only $54.97 (reg. $438). Has your PC performed, well, a little more slowly than… READ THE REST