The short version: it was killed because making a cut-down Windows for tablets would "threaten" the desktop version that runs on all the hugely successful UMPC/MID/Slate tablets (pictured) that gave Microsoft its unassailable lead over Apple and Android. Then Bill Gates asked where the Exchange client was and had an allergic reaction when iPads were explained to him. [Cnet]
Why Microsoft killed the Courier tablet
- tablets
Daylight DC-1 tablet taken for a spin
The Daylight DC-1 is pleasant on the eyes, like e-ink, but refreshes at a 60hz clip, like a normal display. David Pierce has been using one for a few weeks… READ THE REST
Apple blatantly rips off 2008 LG phone ad in latest iPad commercial
Yesterday, Apple released a commercial to advertise its new iPad pro. It features various musical instruments being mercilessly squished in a hydraulic press until, voilà, an iPad Pro materializes from… READ THE REST
Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella: giving up on mobile was a mistake
In the mid 2010s, Microsoft developed a surprisingly good OS for its smartphones: fast, intuitive, beautifully-designed and even-gasp!—minimalistic. One commentator—I forget who—smartly suggested that Microsoft should call it WIN and… READ THE REST
Relive and digitize the glory days with Kodak Reels
TL;DR: Bring your family's old 8mm and Super 8 films into the digital age with the Kodak Reels Film Digitizer, now available for $349.99 (reg. $399.99). Do you or your parents have… READ THE REST
If using AI feels like a chore, try this
TL;DR: Put all your AI tools in one place with a lifetime subscription to 1minAI, now $39.99 (reg. $234). AI isn't going anywhere. The problem is that we're going everywhere trying to use it. If you… READ THE REST
Tech's best sidekick — this USB-c hub stand is just $139.99
TL;DR: The CASA Hub Ultra Laptop and Tablet Stand is on sale for just $139.99 (reg. $159) and offers full connectivity. When it comes to keeping your tech life organized, connected, and… READ THE REST