Remember earlier this year when the New Zealand government and the US government conspired to send a SWAT team to arrest Kim Dotcom, founder of Megaupload, shut down the service, make 220 people unemployed, seize Dotcom's assets, and deprive millions of users of access to their files? Well now a US judge says that the trial against Dotcom will probably never proceed, because the US government didn't ever formally charge Dotcom. This wasn't a mere oversight, either. They were not legally allowed to charge him. TorrentFreak reports:
"I frankly don't know that we are ever going to have a trial in this matter," Judge O'Grady said as reported by the NZ Herald.
Judge O'Grady informed the FBI that Megaupload was never served with criminal charges, which is a requirement to start the trial. The origin of this problem is not merely a matter of oversight. Megaupload's lawyer Ira Rothken says that unlike people, companies can't be served outside US jurisdiction.
"My understanding as to why they haven't done that is because they can't. We don't believe Megaupload can be served in a criminal matter because it is not located within the jurisdiction of the United States," Rothken says.
Megaupload's lawyer adds that he doesn't understand why the US authorities weren't aware of this problem before. As a result Judge O'Grady noted that Megaupload is "kind of hanging out there."
TorrentFreak followed up their coverage with a furious interview with Dotcom:
If Judge O'Grady is to be believed all this damage could very well have been for nothing because the authorities simply can't serve foreign companies. This could lead one to wonder whether the whole setup was to simply destroy Mega's businesses.
This is certainly a theory Dotcom subscribes to, and it's not the only dirty trick Megaupload's founder believes the US Government is playing. The US is structurally denying Megaupload the chance to put up a fair fight.
"We are refused access to the evidence that clears us, we are refused funds to pay our lawyers, we are refused to pick the lawyers we want to represent us and have any chance for a fair trial," Dotcom says.
For Megaupload the worst part is that the damage can't be undone. The site has been completely destroyed as well as the plans to become a publicly traded company.
"We have already been served a death sentence without trial and even if we are found 'not guilty' which we will, the damage can never be repaired," Dotcom says.