A worthy piece of reporting over at Rolling Stone, on "how the government turned five stoner misfits into the world's most hapless terrorist cell," in the spirit of COINTELPRO. Snip: "Nothing was destined to blow up that night, as it turns out, because the entire plot was actually an elaborate federal sting operation. The case against the Cleveland Five, in fact, exposes not just a deeply misguided element of the Occupy movement, but also a shadowy side of the federal government." A former FBI counterterrorism agent now with the ACLU describes the government's actions as "manufacturing threatening events."
The Plot Against Occupy
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Assessing Occupy's legacy
In 2011, activists began an occupation of Zucotti Park near Wall Street, starting a movement that spread around the world and changed the discourse around wealth, inequality, corruption and justice. READ THE REST
Yellow Vests stand for and against many contradictory things, but are united in opposition to oligarchy
From a distance, it's hard to understand the nuance of the mass "gilets jaunes" protests that rocked France; with one in five French people identifying as a yellow vest and… READ THE REST
Jamie Dimon is getting fed up with the protesters who "occupy" him everywhere he goes
Jamie Dimon is CEO of Jpmorgan Chase, the massive bank that settled a $13 billion mortgage fraud case with the DoJ in 2013 by committing more mortgage frauds to raise… READ THE REST
Your productivity can increase tenfold with this AI-powered app!
TL;DR: With the Ultiself app, you can create your most optimal routine and build better habits—all built by you!—for only $19.99 (reg. $47). Be honest with us. Are you still dragging your… READ THE REST
Windows 11 Pro is the gaming upgrade you never knew you needed
TL;DR: Microsoft's most up-to-date and gamer-friendly OS, Windows 11 Pro, is now on sale for only $19.97 (reg. $199) through September 29! Nothing's better than shutting down your work laptop to… READ THE REST
This VPN router is the key to getting the 'Spider-Man' movies back on Netflix!
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