Boing Boing

Resume in the form of a custom Lego figure

Leah is looking for a job at a creative agency, so she created a Lego figure of herself and boxed it up as a resume in the form of a custom kit. She made two of them, and used the instructions for building the fig as a means of highlighting her creative credentials. It's a pretty lovely piece of work — I hope she gets a job!

I made custom instructions that highlight my skills throughout the build, but because it has multiple pages I didn't take a picture. I then created a simple package design for the set with my extremely basic graphic design "skills". I've only made two sets so far, this is really only for agencies that are dream opportunities, but I tried to customize each one based on the agency's branding and colors. One agency specifically requested a persuasive advertisement, so I made an 11×17 poster to "advertise" my miniscale me as well as my skills!

LEGO Miniscale Resume

(via Super Punch)

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