education School teacher supplemented $42k salary with $1 million OnlyFans earnings over the summer Mark Frauenfelder
Technology NYC will require businesses to prove A.I. employment software isn't racist or sexist Ruben Bolling
History Ancient Egyptian tablet is an "attendance sheet" listing excuses for missing work Ruben Bolling
google Dream job nightmare: Google leaves new hire jobless and without an apartment Mark Frauenfelder
employment Read these intense text conversations of pissed-off workers quitting crappy jobs David Pescovitz
employment "This is definitely the most bizarre question I have ever seen on a job application" Mark Frauenfelder
employment December jobs report: Women of color lost nearly 10 times as many jobs as men gained Thom Dunn
Boing Boing Gadgets Consumer Reports Labs is hiring 8 staffers: technologists, journalists and wonks Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Princeton's Center for Information Technology Policy is looking for engineering, social science, law, and policy "visitors" for interdisciplinary one-year positions Cory Doctorow
class war When the HR department is a robotic phrenologist: "face-scanning algorithm" gains popularity as a job-applicant screener Cory Doctorow
health Hospital staff hang a banner celebrating the transfer of their "mischievous tyrant" boss Cory Doctorow