Boing Boing

Trump Deep Nightmare: Google's Deep Dream AI run against a Donald Trump speech

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This 'Trump Deep Nightmare' video is insane. Insanely accurate, that is. Don't watch while using psychedelic drugs, unless highly experienced.

Trump Deep Nightmare was created by Eric Cheng, who says:

I ran Google's Deep Dream A.I. on highlights from Donald Drumpf's presidential candidacy announcement in July 2015, using audio volume to dictate how deep to dream (for each frame). For fun, I used a picture of Cthulu as a guide image.

I ran Deep Dream A.I. against a Trump highlights video (video from CNN, last year). I learned a lot in the process of getting the thing to run fast enough to process video frames without waiting days for results. It's hard to iterate on this stuff because it is so compute intensive.
The source video is a CNN highlights reel from Donald Trump's presidential candidacy announcement in July 2015. I used audio volume (averaged over each frame) to dictate how deep to dream. For fun, I used a picture of Cthulu as a guide image.

The version over at Vimeo is less compressed and looks better.
### Implementation details
Source video
Guide image
– Google Deep Dream code based on DeepDreamVideo run on AWS EC2 instance w/GPU acceleration
– Iterations, octaves, and nesting based on average audio power per frame (nesting: dreams iteratively run on frame output in multiple levels)

Video Link: Vimeo, YouTube.

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