Another event is going virtual. The quirky What the Fluff? festival can't happen as planned at their in-person location of Union Square in Somerville, Massachusetts, so they are taking it online this year. The live-streamed festivities happen Saturday, September 12 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. EDT.
You may not know this but I'm a Marshmallow Fluff super fan.
I make art (and art-products) inspired by Fluff. I also collect art inspired by Fluff. People gift me Fluff-inspired art. My logo is a visual portmanteau of the iconic Fluff jar and my last name. I spend hours every holiday season making my mom's award-winning Fluffernutter Fudge to bring to parties and to give to friends. If there's a news article about Fluff, my inbox will be filled with emails from folks making sure I saw it. My identity is forever enveloped in the sugary sweet white stuff (not as messy as it sounds!).

But even I didn't know that I was a super fan of Fluff until I saw it in print. In 2017, Fluff celebrated its 100th anniversary. The book that tells its tale, "Fluff: The Sticky Sweet Story of an American Icon" by Mimi Graney, was published that same year. In the chapter "Ladies Love Fluff," Mimi shared a story of mine about how I wrote to Durkee-Mower, the company who makes Fluff, about its fictional lady mascot. It starts, "Rusty Blazenhoff, a Marshmallow Fluff super fan, wrote to Lynne White in 1996."
A Fluff super fan? I was shocked to read those words. They say fish can't see water and, 20 years in swimming in the world of Fluff, I certainly hadn't seen the obvious. I'm cool with the title now but, I'll be honest, I couldn't finish reading the rest of what Mimi wrote in the book until last year.

Now, Mimi Graney didn't just author the 100-year Fluff history book where she properly pins me, she also founded the Fluff festival fifteen years ago. I've been and it's a hoot! I'm looking forward to checking out its virtual presence.
All hail, Marshmallow Fluff!