This week in thinking machines news, a Harvard professor and his students have now raised $14 million to create artificial intelligence so smart that even hackers can't crack it. Meanwhile, reports from the White House suggest the federal government is close to issuing their directives on how agencies should regulate AI going forward.
And if story no. 1 makes you at all dubious about the impact of story no. 2…well, welcome to the amazing world of Python, machine learning and the tech wonders and ethical quandaries of creating human-based artificial life.
Regardless of the implications, there's no denying that understanding Python and its impact on creating machines that can actually think for themselves is a fast track to an exploding and lucrative new career. You can get that training underway with the courses in The Ultimate Python and Artificial Intelligence Certification Bundle.
With nine courses covering 38 hours of content, even first-time users can get comfortable with using the Python coding language and see how it's helping to drive data science in exciting new directions.
The basics of Python are laid out in a trio of courses, as Python: Introduction to Data Science and Machine Learning A-Z, Python for Beginners: Learn All the Basics of Python and Python For Beginners: The Basics For Python Development offer full understanding of the language, its functions and formulas, and gets novices comfortable with using Python on a daily basis.
With the groundwork laid, other courses explain how Python serves as the heart of data organization and analysis that drives much of the machine learning happening today. Keras Bootcamp for Deep Learning and AI in Python explores how Google's powerful deep learning framework helps create artificial neural networks that enable machine learning, while Image Processing and Analysis Bootcamp with OpenCV and Deep Learning in Python, offers background on another key tool, Python Tensorflow, and it's used by machines to actually analyze an image, understand it, then act on its own findings.
Finally, Master PyTorch for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Deep Learning kicks off a 6-hour bootcamp in complete neural network creation and deep learning training using PyTorch, while Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Python: A H2O Approach looks at how Python's own H2O can speed up that entire process.
Regularly a training collection valued at almost $1,800, you can save hundreds by getting all nine courses now for just $39.96.
Prices are subject to change.
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