Last month, around 250 people checked in at a New Orleans hotel for the Naughty in N'awlins swingers festival. At least 41 of those attendees (participants?) have now tested positive for COVID-19.
"If I could go back in time, I would not produce this event again," organizer Bob Hannaford wrote.
Masks were worn at events, social distancing was enforced, contact diaries were kept and attendees were tested for the virus or antibodies before the gathering, he wrote[…]
He said he blames complacency for the spread of the virus, based on his conversations with attendees as part of contact tracing efforts.
"In almost every case, they admitted to us that they were super diligent on the first two days (Wed & Thurs) and then they relaxed a little on Friday and then they said 'F*** it, it's our last day and many admitted that their lax effort on that final day is probably why they ended up positive," he wrote.