A Frenchman was minding his own business while riding a bike between trolley tracks when a trolley sneaked up on him and rang a warning bell. He taught the trolley a lesson by breaking its windshield wipers.
Gentleman fights trolley
- idiots fighting things
- insulted gentlemen
- trolley problems
Bucket outsmarts aggressive ram
An Australian ram took a disliking to a large plastic bucket that had encroached on its territory. The surly sheep thought it would make short work of it by butting… READ THE REST
Unhappy Happy Meal customer tears apart a McDonald's, fights police
Click to expand A gentleman patronizing a McDonald's in Virginia did his best to destroy the restaurant when his Happy Meal order didn't go as planned. According to TikToker Kate… READ THE REST
Dumb person kicks a light fixture and hurts himself, so his dumber friend tries kicking it
A young swain, walking down a quiet street with two comrades, decided to impress a group of women walking behind them by kicking a light fixture. But the light fixture… READ THE REST
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Here's how to stretch your paycheck further while grocery-shopping—by joining Costco
TL;DR: Join Costco as a Gold Star member for 1 year with this $65 offer—you'll even get a $20 Digital Costco Shop Card* to use on a future shopping trip. If your wallet… READ THE REST
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TL;DR: Ditch Adobe Acrobat for SwifDoo PDF Pro, a lifetime PDF management tool available for only $34.99 (reg. $129) while supplies last. Subscriptions are, well, unavoidable these days. Almost. If you're tired… READ THE REST