Italian woman accidentally given six doses of COVID-19 vaccine

At Noas hospital in Tuscany, Italy, a health worker accidentally injected a 23-year-old woman with an entire bottle of the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. The health worker realized her error after spotting five empty syringes on the table. The woman who received the megadose was kept at the hospital under observation for 24 hours but released after no adverse reactions were seen. From CNN:

Doctors will continue to monitor the patient's immune response to the "massive dose of vaccine," the spokeswoman said.

The patient was entitled to get the vaccine before other people in her age group because she is an intern in the hospital's psychology department, she added.

An internal investigation has been opened, said Gianelli, who added that it was "maybe just human error, definitively not on purpose."

imageArne Müseler / (CC BY-SA 3.0 de)