Beloved pastor, Kenneth Copeland (85) who owns a Gulfstream V jet because he refuses to fly in "a long tube with demons," manages to avoid paying property tax on his $7 million home thanks to a Texas law that exempts clergy homes from taxes.
From The Houston Chronicle [Paywalled. Google cache here]:
"The law was never intended to give breaks to millionaires and multimillionaires," said Pete Evans, president of the Trinity Foundation, a nonprofit dedicated to bringing more accountability and transparency to religious organizations. "You make a mockery of the law itself."
Jeff Law, Tarrant County's chief appraiser, said the loose Texas statute gave him little choice. "It definitely looks out of place and unusual compared to other parsonages we have," Law said. "But from what I can gather through the law, and my understanding, it qualifies as a parsonage just like the little house next to the church would."
God bless Texas!