Spoonbending psychic Uri Geller's palace for sale, complete with meditation pyramid and healing crystal rocks to lengthen your life

Uri Geller's riverside palace in Sonning on Thames, England is up for sale. Listed at £7.95 million, it's replete with nine bedrooms, cinema, gym, swimming pool, tennis court, koi pond, waterfalls, and helipad. As one would expect. But it's also tricked our with some signature Geller "magic," including a standalone meditation pyramid (top right above) and healing crystal rocks. From the Jewish Chronicle:

"I have strewn rock crystals all over my property that are millions of years old. One of them actually belonged to Albert Einstein, and that is in the rockery of our house… there is that ambiance, there's energy, there is a power of healing," he told me when we spoke in Tel Aviv this week. "Everything is energy, even rocks are energy. So definitely the person who will buy the house will no doubt live longer. I mean that seriously."