Boing Boing

Great Dane hilariously forgets his size, nearly smothering his human as he takes over her lap (video)

An enormous Great Dane fancies himself a lapdog, nearly smothering his human as he lies across more than just her lap, gnawing on what looks like a doggie bone. She tries to be a good sport, squished into a padded armchair as she peeks at her phone, which is too close to her face for lack of space, but soon realizes she needs to breathe.

Fortunately, the woman manages to find some wiggle room, inching her way out of the chair by slowly sliding underneath his gigantic body until her bottom hits the floor. (See video below, posted by larrygreatdane.)

Once his human cushion disappears, the doggo loses all interest in his snack and walks away — most likely on the hunt for another lap.


One thing I've learned from owning Great Dnaes lap dogs come in all sizes. #greatdane #BigDog #dogsoftiktok

♬ Dawns (feat. Maggie Rogers) – Zach Bryan

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