"If God told me to burn the book Clifford the Big Red Dog, then I'd burn the book Clifford the Big Red Dog," says Dusty Hill, lead pastor of Emmanuel Chapel in Lebanon, Missouri, when asked about what books will be torched at the good ol' fashioned book-burning scheduled for Halloween night. According to a flyer posted on social media, the "youth lead" (SIC) event will feature a "bonfire where we will burn books and ungodly artifacts" and "notepads to write and burn lies of the enemy."
From the Riverfront Times:
They don't plan on torching American history, English books or anything of the sort, Hill says.
Harry Potter books, tarot cards, Ouija boards, pornography, or anything else considered "ungodly," on the other hand? They take no issue with cremating those. Hill's church chooses not to celebrate Halloween, and Hill himself associated the holiday with nefarious activities carried out by the Satanic Church[…]
"If God lays it on your heart to burn, you can burn it," Hill later added.