Someone going by Detour Explainer posted this great video that collects many of the clever "razors" in one place, starting with everyone's favorite — Occam's. But there are many more — some really insightful, some just really funny.
For the uninitiated, what's a "razor?" Wikipedia has a simple, clear definition:
In philosophy, a razor is a principle or rule of thumb that allows one to eliminate ("shave off") unlikely explanations for a phenomenon, or avoid unnecessary actions.
My favorite is Hitchen's razor, named after the late, great atheist Christopher Hitchens:
"What can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence."
That razor cuts!
Hanlon's razor is another classic:
"Never attribute to malice that which is more easily explained by stupidity, carelessness or laziness."
I don't know who Hanlon was, but he really understood humans.