Archaeological site discovered where new archaeology lab is under construction

In Williamsburg, Virginia, construction of a new archaeology lab revealed a new archaeological discovery at the building site. The researchers discovered a house dating back to 1660.

"It really reminds us that everywhere we go, there's something literally under our feet in this town," Colonial Williamsburg's director of archaeology Jack Gary told 3WTKR. "[The discovery of the house] allows us to tell the story of what was here before the city of Williamsburg was even here, and the artifacts that are coming out of it are just a fantastic snapshot of daily life in this area in the early 18th century."

Over the past century of excavations, Colonial Williamsburg has unearthed more than 60 million artifacts and, most recently, barracks from the Revolutionary War. The new lab is slated to be completed in two years.

"It's a very rewarding process for us to be able to take what's in the ground, what we study here in the lab and then know that that information is actually going out there to tell a really accurate story of what life in Williamsburg was like in the past," Gary said.

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