Ever since the Instagram algorithm suggested Downward Dog in my feed, I've been on an emotional roller-coaster complete with ups, downs, laughs, and as of the latest episode, heartbreak and angst. Downward Dog tells Martin's story from an incredibly compelling perspective that makes me wish Martin could live forever. There is something about hearing someone complaining about the banality of their life and its idiosyncrasies that draws me nearer and makes me want to learn more about them, like when Martin says in EPISODE (6/8) "Driving":
"I think I have, like, "sads" or whatever because this winter has been so gray and I've been really, really down on myself. And then literally the sun comes out for 1 day and all of a sudden it's totally different. Like… Were all those dark feelings, and like, crippling pain like a vitamin D deficiency? Like, is it that predictable? And am I that shallow, and… I feel like sometimes I talk a lot about myself. I need to shut up sometimes. Just like, shut up."
Downward Dog – EPISODE (6/8) "Driving" | Animal Studio Inc.
For a video series comprised of short vignettes, Animal Studio Inc. manages to grab ahold of the viewer with an Errol Morris first person Interrotron'esque style that engages the audience in a most captivating way.
There is one more episode in the Downward Dog series that will be released by the time you read this, so for the uninitiated, I've cued the first episode below for your binge viewing pleasure.