Like an action movie, cop jumps from patrol car into truck to deal with erratic driver (video)

The Macomb County, Michigan sheriff's office received calls last week of an erratic driver on a busy freeway. Deputies Nicole Miron and Anthony Gross responded and found the pick-up truck that was cruising slowly but swerving all over the road.

"The vehicle wasn't responding," Miron told NBC News. "The driver wasn't responding to us. He wasn't going very fast. It was about 5 miles an hour, so it wasn't like he was evading us or trying to get away. It was just kind of like he didn't realize we were behind him."

"I had him pull up next to the vehicle so that we could kind of get a visual on what was going on, and I could tell it was an elderly male in the vehicle driving. It seemed as if he was having some sort of medical issue."

That's when Miron realized her best chance to help the driver and get the vehicle under control before it crashed was to jump into the moving truck. And that's what she did. Video below. The driver has since recovered from whatever was ailing him.