police Police helicopters locate Gary, a beloved gorilla statue stolen from a retirement community Allan Rose Hill
off-duty cops Police officer in St. Paul earns himself a DWI after crashing into building, starting fire Carla Sinclair
police News media sues over Louisiana law making it a crime to be within 25 feet of a cop Rob Beschizza
donald trump Video: Folks at Trump rally tried to warn police of shooter before he fired his gun: "He's on the roof!" Carla Sinclair
police People who gave money to scam school run by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement can sue government Rob Beschizza
law and order Teen gets zapped with stun gun after doing backflip at Cincinnati Reds game (video) Carla Sinclair
police Burlington cops arranged for pretend school shooter to open fire with simulated gunshots at terrified children Rob Beschizza
police "Oh my god, I'm gonna get shot" — Vermont cops terrorize high school students with mock mass shooting Mark Frauenfelder