Wild photo of Bigfoot in canyon on Navajo Nation

The startling photo below was reportedly taken between Cornfields and Greasewood, Arizona on the Navajo Nation. After generating a buzz in the cryptozoology community, an individual named Lottie came forward to report that her aunt snapped the photo two years ago.

Here's her account as posted by the Rocky Mountain Sasquatch Organization:

[My aunt] was out with the livestock South of our homestead and HEARD strange noises where she was. She walked to the edge of the of this small canyon and SAW this thing and IT LOOKED UP at her!!! She is older so her only thought was get a quick pic and get the heck out of the area.

She was able to chase the sheep back and did not go back for a long time. She did tell the family about it and we were loading up with rifles but were told NO, leave it alone as no one was sure what it was[…]

You don't have to believe what I write and to me it doesn't matter. All I know is what I've told you is what happened that day and I truly believe that they are out there and I will just leave them alone.

(via Coast to Coast)

• See Bigfoot's 'buttocks imprint' in Blue Ridge, Georgia
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