Artist creates digital fluid simulation jewelry that flows like water

This handcrafted digital fluid simulation pendant creates pure magic — as you move it, light flows like liquid inside the golden case.

The creator, Mitxela, assembled a grid of tiny lights controlled by a computer chip. When the wearer moves, a motion sensor inside detects the change, causing the virtual fluid to slosh and swirl in a remarkably natural way. "I wanted to create something that captured the mesmerizing quality of fluid motion in a piece you could actually wear," Mitxela writes on their website.

Each pendant took weeks to perfect, combining delicate metalwork with precise electronics. Mixtela had to solve numerous challenges, from designing the perfect circular light display to crafting a watertight brass case that could be sealed with a watch crystal. The finished piece charges magnetically, runs for about 10 hours per charge, and springs to life with a gentle shake when it goes to sleep.

While Mitxela made ten of these unique pendants, mass production proved impractical due to the intensive handcrafting required for each piece. "The goal wasn't to sell it," Mixtela explains, "but there's no reason not to at least offer some of the pendants I've already built." Each one represents countless hours of careful work, making the £1000 price more than reasonable.

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