Sculptor Jud Turner (previously) sends us two new pieces: Deindustry ("a meditation on the industrial divinity of late-stage capitalism, and combines my fear of heights with my fear of over-industrialization") and Scale of Themis ("an imagined tool for the Greek goddess Themis to weigh possible civilizations against each other. — Read the rest
Sculptor Jud Turner (previously) sez, "My childhood friend recently commissioned me to a pair of traditional Chinese Fu Dogs, which symbolize protection. He's of Chinese descent, recently bought a house in the suburbs, and said 'I want my kids to know more about their heritage, and I want to scare my neighbors!' — Read the rest
Sculptor Jud Turner (previously) has created a giant shiny metal firefly with the tail-light from a 1959 Cadillac, wired up to a clapper-style switch. It's called "MerKaBot" and it was created for Firefly Aerospace.
Sculptor Jud Turner (previously) shows off three of his newest sculptures: the latest in his Oblivion Factory series, "Solitarium", a full sized California Condor (8+ foot wingspan) fabricated in welded steel and found objects (including 70 of Walmart's finest butter knives, and various pistol parts):, and another in his series of mechanized fossil fish, The GreedEaters.
Jud Turner writes, "'Hive (middle class colony collapse)' is the latest in my series of sculptures depicting hallucinatory factory scenes, and ponders the loss of bees and an ever-shrinking middle class, both likely results of modern industrial methods and monopoly capitalism."
Jud Turner's latest sculpture is the haunting "Blind Eye Sees All (No Secrets Anymore)" (above); he's produced 50 miniatures (right) based on it whose sale benefits the Electronic Frontier Foundation. He writes, "I am saddened at what my country has become in the last 30 years. — Read the rest
The brilliant found-object/assemblage sculptor Jud Turner (previously) has unveiled two new pieces: Bartholomew the Rhinoceros, a "half-life-size" rhino made from motorcycle and snowmobile parts; and Octoploid, the standout of the two (though it's a close-run thing), which is headed for Reantus's offices.
"Quaestus" is the latest assemblage from sculptor Jud Turner. He sez,
"Quaestus" is a latin word meaning "gain or profit extracted from work", a concept darkly represented in my latest sculpture: 5 tiny employees are trapped in an endless task inside a gigantic machine, toiling to keep up with the conveyor belts they are walking on.
"Avaritia" is a new mixed-media assemblage from Jud Turner: "The name is taken from the Latin term for 'greed' and the bait this mechanized angler fish is using is a coin from 1799. Heightening my enjoyment of the subject (greed) it's a commission for a German financier!" — Read the rest
Sculptor Jud Turner writes, "I thought you might enjoy this full-sized goat,
'Tanngrisnir', named after one of the two goats in Norse mythology
that pulled Thor's chariot. He ate them for dinner every night,
saved the bones, and by morning they had come back to life. — Read the rest
Jud Turner sez, "My latest piece is a life-sized Columbia Mammoth skeleton made from 95% recycled material, mostly old farm equipment. It was created as a commission for Pacific Studio, and will be permanently displayed at the new Moses Lake Museum and Art Center, which is in Washington state. — Read the rest
Sculptor Jud Turner writes, "My latest sculpture, 'Lotus Eaters', was inspired by characters from Homer's Odyssey. The Lotophagi (lotus eaters) feed on a soporific plant which causes them to forget their homelands and live apathetic, uncaring lives. Their diet causes them to be sleepy and languid, as well as disinterested in the world around them. — Read the rest
Jud Turner's new sculpture "MortalCycle," is part of a series of "delusional modes of transportation." Me, I'm a sucker for dinos, rust, Ed Roth stylings, and skeletons!
Jud Turner sez, "'Duel Nature' is my latest 'Impossible Flying Machine' sculpture. It's about the unnatural act of war-making, expressed by heavily arming 2 trees; it's also about the fact that much of what appears to be pastoral nature is also a war between plants for sunlight and nutrients played out very slowly." — Read the rest