I WAS GLAD to provide a short quote for Joel Stein's recent piece on the "Urkel Effect," wherein he confesses his fear that, no matter what anyone tells the polls,… Read the rest of the article: VOTE NERD
John Hodgman -
John Hodgman GREETINGS. This is John Hodgman writing at the witching hour (5:48PM EST). It is Hallowe'en, and thus time to CRACK THE CRYSTAL SKULL at last. Please see the enclosed video.… Read the rest of the article: HALLOWE'EN
John Hodgman I AM AWAITING word from Patrick Borelli to see if there is any high quality video of Grand Master Priest, breakdancer, Mason, available for posting here. IN THE MEANTIME, here… Read the rest of the article: ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT BREAKDANCING AND FREEMASONRY
John Hodgman NOT ONLY IS THIS MAN A BREAKDANCER, he is also a Freemason of the 33rd Degree (I don't know which Rite; it was late), and a master of both Crafts.… Read the rest of the article: TO THE 33rd DEGREE.
John Hodgman I AM IN DETROIT today, sitting in the lobby of WDET, stealing broadband from a student's room at Wayne State University. So I shall offer a few brief follow ups… Read the rest of the article: SOME QUICK NOTES FROM THE UR-SKEKS-IVERSE
John Hodgman LAST NIGHT, I was talking to some people in our nation's capital about THE BATTLE OF GALACTICA. (I was talking to them the way I normally talk to people, BEHIND… Read the rest of the article: WHEN WEIRD, SPACE MIME WAS STILL POPULAR AT AMUSEMENT PARKS
John Hodgman I WAS RECENTLY CORRECTED BY THE INTERNET regarding a very embarrassing misstatement regarding GNOMES. YOU PERHAPS remember this remarkable book. In the early eighties it marked the height of the… Read the rest of the article: BLOG SUBMISSION 4
John Hodgman I AM HITTING THE ROAD. As such, posting will be briefer. Maybe not even complete sentences. AND I AM PAINED. For during this exact same time, KAKI KING (incredible guitarist… Read the rest of the article: A VERY DELICATE TIME
John Hodgman IT TRULY ISN'T. For I have no direct connection (and very little contact) with the army of brilliant obsessives who are illustrating the list of 700 Mole-Men that appears in… Read the rest of the article: THIS IS NOT SELF PROMOTION
John Hodgman IT IS VERY GOOD AND FRIGHTENING to be here on BOING BOING. As readers of my own, small, imitation of a blog already know, I am a longtime reader, and… Read the rest of the article: GOOD EVENING.