Police Squad!, which hit the air in the fall of 1982, was a thirty-minute comedy on ABC created by Zucker Abrahams and Zucker, who'd had enormous success two years earlier… Read the rest of the article: Police Squad! was cancelled because the viewer had to watch it in order to appreciate it
Lawrence Wilkinson -
Lawrence Wilkinson It was on this date in 1972 that the first leap second was added to a day.
Lawrence Wilkinson Between 1776 and 1887, the United States seized over 1.5 billion acres from America's indigenous people by treaty and executive order. Watch Native Americans' land evaporate at The Invasion of… Read the rest of the article: Time-lapse vision of America's theft of Native American land, 1776—1887
Lawrence Wilkinson In January of 1942, as the U.S was entering World War II, a Pennsylvania dentist (and friend of Eleanor Roosevelt) named Lytle Adams submitted the design of a new weapon… Read the rest of the article: Bombs filled with bats carrying incendiary devices
Lawrence Wilkinson "First of all, the whole thing is almost all dialogue." Further to our old friends at You Can't Please Everyone, a Tumblr devoted to "reviews of classic books, culled from… Read the rest of the article: Critical cruelty at One-Star Book Reviews
Lawrence Wilkinson Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs is a Tumblr devoted to "inexplicably bad property photographs."
Lawrence Wilkinson It was on this date in 1931 that the Floridian Products Corporation made its first sale of canned rattlesnake. The company's founder and chief "wrangler" was George Kenneth End; a… Read the rest of the article: What happened to the man who made canned rattlesnake?
Lawrence Wilkinson A sad tale from NavalTechnology.com: It is an unspoken rule of military procurement that any IT or communications technology will invariably be years behind what is commercially available or technically… Read the rest of the article: US Navy develops world's worst e-reader
Lawrence Wilkinson The Pew Research Center's 2013 Global Attitudes survey asked 40,117 respondents in 40 countries what they thought about eight topics often discussed as moral issues: extramarital affairs, gambling, homosexuality, abortion,… Read the rest of the article: How 40 countries view moral issues
Lawrence Wilkinson It is no surprise that critics and viewers alike agree that The Godfather is the "best film" among the ~2600 films considered on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 100% score among professional reviewers and a… Read the rest of the article: Movies that critics hate and audiences love (and vice versa)