It is no surprise that critics and viewers alike agree that The Godfather is the "best film" among the ~2600 films considered on Rotten Tomatoes, with a 100% score among professional reviewers and a 98% score from the audience. It is perhaps somewhat more surprising to learn which films divide those two groups; thanks to Benjamin Moore, we can contemplate that…
"Overrated" and "underrated" are slippery terms to try to quantify. An interesting way of looking at this, I thought, would be to compare the reviews of film critics with those of Joe Public, reasoning that a film which is roundly-lauded by the Hollywood press but proved disappointing for the real audience would be "overrated" and vice versa.
To get some data for this I turned to the most prominent review aggregator: Rotten Tomatoes…
On the whole it should be noted that critics and audience agree most of the time, as shown by the Pearson correlation coefficient between the two scores (0.71 across >1200 films). [But] using our earlier definition it's easy to build a table of those films where the audience ending up really liking a film that was panned by critics:
Here we're looking at those films which the critics loved, but paying audiences were then less enthused:
Explore an interactive version of the chart at the top of this post here; and read more of Moore's methodology and findings here.