Libraries in New York City are facing a potential $106 million cut to their budgets. Should these cuts go through, more than 60 neighborhood libraries will close. More than a… Read the rest of the article: New Yorkers: help defend local libraries at June 8-9's Read In
LibraryLab -
LibraryLab A three-dimensional, modular origami fractal has taken form for the first time in the history of the world—and perhaps the universe—at the USC Libraries in Los Angeles.
LibraryLab Hurricane Sandy devastated some sections of New York City and did massive damage to numerous libraries in Queens. Undaunted, the amazing Queens Library sent a mobile book bus with a… Read the rest of the article: Library in a Disaster Zone
LibraryLab International Games Day @ your library is an annual initiative of the American Library Association to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational and social value of all… Read the rest of the article: Play RPGs, board games and mini golf tomorrow—at your library
LibraryLab On Monday, Oct. 29, Sandy headed for the East Coast, looking to make landfall in my home state of New Jersey. Days before, my local CERT (Community Emergency Response Team)… Read the rest of the article: A Little Storm-Shelter Library
LibraryLab When I first heard of the Billy Pilgrim Traveling Library, a new Houston-based bookmobile venture, I felt myself get a bit unstuck in time. For one thing, I usually see… Read the rest of the article: Time-Traveling Librarians from Outer Spa… from Texas
LibraryLab The Idea Box at Oak Park Public Library is a new experiment in community participation and library programming that invites visitors to "explore, learn, and play." The 9 x 13… Read the rest of the article: Idea Box draws community to public library
LibraryLab Avast, mateys! If you're a literature lover and a seafaring type, you might be surprised to find that you can satisfy both your passions at a public library. With libraries… Read the rest of the article: Words on the Water
LibraryLab Back when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and the woman seated next to you on the plane could smoke her Virginia Slims all the way from Chicago to L.A., libraries were… Read the rest of the article: U.S. Public Libraries Weather the Storm
LibraryLab Meet SparkTruck, an "educational build-mobile" for the twenty-first century. Dreamed up by a group of Stanford students and funded through Kickstarter, SparkTruck is a mobile maker space currently traveling… Read the rest of the article: SparkTruck: Taking Making on the Road
LibraryLab "If you have a library card and password, and live in Iowa City …you can download this music. You own it forever. Put it on your phone. Play it at… Read the rest of the article: Iowa City Public Library's Local Music Project
LibraryLab A collaboration between the Allen County Public Library in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and a local nonprofit called TekVenture has created a hub of awesome for local makers called the TekVenture… Read the rest of the article: Maker Station in Library Parking Lot = All Kinds of Awesome
LibraryLab UC Santa Cruz launched the Grateful Dead Archive Online last Friday with tens of thousands of items. But it wouldn't be a Grateful Dead archive if all you could do… Read the rest of the article: Take a trip through the Grateful Dead Archive Online
LibraryLab Back in May, Cory posted about the then-brand-new website's campaign to unlock the classic scholarly book Oral Literature in Africa through crowdfunding. That campaign was successfully wrapped up last week, and soon anyone with… Read the rest of the article: Release a deadly monster: a DRM-free ebook crowdfunding startup
LibraryLab What do you get when you cross a librarian with a hot-rod shop? Sounds like the beginning of a joke, but it isn't. A provincial Libraries and Literacy grant and… Read the rest of the article: The Librarian and the Hot Rod Shop
LibraryLab Douglas County Libraries, in Colorado, is trying something new: buying eBooks directly from publishers and hosting them on its own platform. That platform is based on the purchase of content… Read the rest of the article: Libraries set out to own their ebooks
LibraryLab Just as one seed can produce many seeds, one idea can change many lives. Free public libraries were revolutionary in their time because they provided access to books and knowledge… Read the rest of the article: Seed Libraries Crop Up
LibraryLab Most libraries aren't found in barns, but Jackson (N.H.) Public Library happily makes its new home in one. It's not just any barn, either. Built in 1858 as part of… Read the rest of the article: From barn to bibliothek, a library emerges from history
LibraryLab Four flights of seventy-two stairs were transformed into a giant game board using 1,200 feet of wire and 48 Internet-connected tin cans decorated with green and gold helium balloons at… Read the rest of the article: Library staircase delightfully transformed into live interactive game board
LibraryLab The National Park Service has released a dozen historic sound recordings originally made on wax cylinders in 1889-1890. The recording engineer, Theo Wangemann, was an assistant of Thomas Edison who… Read the rest of the article: Listening to the past: NPS releases historic audio recordings