Oliver Sacks on face blindness

Author and neurologist Oliver Sacks has prosopagnosia (face blindness) and he wrote about it in The New Yorker. The article isn't online, but here's an audio interview with him.

From The New Yorker's abstract of the article:

Severe congenital prosopagnosia is estimated to affect two to two and a half per cent of the population–six to eight million people in the United States alone.

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Chronicles of Narnia is a good movie for folks with faceblindness

Prosopagnosia is the scientific term for faceblindness. As Beware of the Blog's Iowa Firecracker describes it, "for some reason, my fusiform gyrus isn't hooked up properly and I can't recognize human faces." He She goes on to mention that she has been interviewed for an upcoming documentary about this rare condition, and that she met another faceblind for the first time, a guy named Glenn, who administers an email list for faceblind people. — Read the rest

Espresso crema shots

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Crema is the wonderful tan colored foam that appears on the top of a well-shot espresso. High quality espresso joints have a saying: "No crema, no serva."

I recently got a Rancilio Silvia espresso maker, generally considered the best consumer espresso model available. — Read the rest

Cuitlacoche: corn fungus delicacy

A Boing Boing reader says: "Here's a taste test of the Cuitlacoche — which comes from corn fields that have been infected with spores. The resulting Mexican "delicacy" is corn that's black, bulbous and frightening."

 Art Huitlacoche Full Can Branded In just a single serving, you'll experience a wide array of textures.

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