Eurovision 1971: Woman Freezes Mid-Applause

Improv Everywhere travels back in time to 1971, or mind-lock virus? (Via Arbroath)


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Village of Twins

This sounds like a Twilight Zone episode: The village of Kodinki in India is home to more than 200 sets of twins, and the number is increasing. The village's population is only 15,000 people. From Reuters:


"Based on scientific facts, we feel something in the environment is causing this.

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CW-11 news claims clip of them airing YouTube prank infringes copyright

For April Fool's Day this year, ImprovEverywhere pretended they'd done a flashmob at a funeral, posting a staged video of the prank to YouTube. The Tribune's CW11 news-team presented the prank as fact that night on their evening newscast, so ImprovEverywhere put a little clip on YouTube of the CW11 broadcast of their gag — CW11 simply aired their own video with the words "YouTube" superimposed on it. — Read the rest

Boing Boing Gadgets Checks for Traps

screenshot DDI Dungeon PR.JPG

Today on Boing Boing Gadgets we got an exclusive look at some screenshots from "D&D Insider," the software designed to let you play the latest Dungeons & Dragons version (4.0!) with friends over the internet, ten post-apocalyptic survival vehicles, smart shelving ideas both commercial and DIY, the upcoming sequel to one of the best games of last year Puzzle Quest, an MP3 player shaped like a LEGO element, a rather impressive unlicensed backport of Final Fantasy VII on the NES, an expensive indoor composter, a vibrating antibacterial ray-shaped hand vac, the Marines' 96MPG diesel motorbike, and Improv Everywhere minions lugging full-sized computers into Starbucks. — Read the rest

Best Buy threatens blogger over someone else's parody

Best Buy sent a cease and desist letter to blogger Scott Beale (Laughing Squid) for having had the audacity to blog news that prankster/comedy troupe Improv Everywhere selling t-shirts that were a parody of the Best Buy brand. Whether or not the parody is legally in the clear is one matter, but Best Buy nastygramming Beale for simply blogging about it — not selling the shirts or participating directly? — Read the rest