2011 Nebula Awards nominees announced

The Science Fiction Writers of America have announced the nominees for the 2011 Nebula Awards, which are voted by the community of professional sf/f writers (in contrast to the Hugo awards, which are voted by readers). It's a very strong ballot, and includes two of my favorite books of 2011: Jo Walton's astounding Among Others, and Delia Sherman's brilliant YA novel The Freedom Maze. — Read the rest

Locus Award finalists announced

Locus magazine has announced the finalists for this year's Locus Award, a popular science fiction, fantasy and horror award voted on by the magazine's readers. I reviewed several of these; I've hotlinked them to their Boing Boing reviews, in case you're interested:

Science Fiction Novel

* Surface Detail, Iain M.

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Mayor of Boston bans the DEA's website

MIT student David Sheets has been delving into the censorship software used by the Mayor of Boston to restrict access to the city's free WiFi network. It's incredibly badly designed and configured — as David says, "The engineers or systems administrators who chose and implemented this system should be fired and Mayor Menino should think long and hard about his stance on free speech." — Read the rest