
 Images V03-4The Scratchophone wearable DJ rig is Alari Thierry's "final term project as a business management student." The first ever public demonstration took place last week at the Urban Music Festival at Earl's Court, London. The little van is a modified "Vinyl Killer," a self-contained phonograph needle and speaker that, on its own, will play a record by driving around the grooves. — Read the rest

History of betel chewing

When Carla and I traveled around Malaysia and Singapore in the mid-80s, we were excited to try betel nut. It's a seed that you mix with a little lime powder (calcium carbonate) and wrap in a leaf. Then you stuff the quid between your lip and gum. — Read the rest

Kadrey online

Richard Kadrey — the cyberpunk co-founder of Future Sex, author of Metrophage, co-editor of the Dead Media project and photog for Suicide Girls — has finally put up a personal site. Lots of good stuff here, especially full-length novels and other lovely bits of writing. — Read the rest

The All Species Project is

The All Species Project is attempting to catalog and genetically sample every species on Earth, somethat that, amazingly, no one has ever done.

In the realm of physical measurement, evolutionary biology is far behind the rest of the natural sciences. Certain numbers are crucial to our ordinary understanding of the universe.

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