History of betel chewing

When Carla and I traveled around Malaysia and Singapore in the mid-80s, we were excited to try betel nut. It's a seed that you mix with a little lime powder (calcium carbonate) and wrap in a leaf. Then you stuff the quid between your lip and gum. I didn't detect any psychoactive effects from the stuff, but it did turn my saliva a pretty red color. As a former Cophagen snuff addict (I haven't used it in 20 years), betel was an interesting substitute. Link (via growabrain)

UPDATE: Suresh Venkat sez "should be careful with the betel leaf ;). it is the preferred
after-dinner digestive in India, where it is called 'paan', and is
sold on streets often right outside a restaurant.But there they often
mix tobacco in it for that extra kick. Needless to say, mouth cancer
follows shortly thereafter…