Lecture on sf writing with Joe Haldeman

Tony Smith from StarShipSofa sez,

Over the coming months StarShipSofa will present a series of online web lectures by some of the top SF writers out there. These lectures will be called How To Write Science Fiction with…

Among the writers lined up for future lectures are Kim Stanley Robinson, Spider Robinson, Paolo Bacigalupi and many others.

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Orson Welles's Future Shock documentary

Here, in five parts, is Orson Welles rather obscure documentary adaptation of Alvin Toffler's Future Shock, a book that has the distinction of being available at every single yard sale in the English-speaking world. It's full of fear and hope and God help me, I can't stop of thinking about Pinky and the Brain. — Read the rest

Jeff VanderMeer and SG Browne in San Francisco, Nov 14

The last of this year's excellent "SF in SF" reading series is coming up on Nov 14, at 7PM:

Jeff VanderMeer, recent Guest of Honor at the World Fantasy Convention 2009, is touring for his final novel in his Ambergris Cycle, "Finch," published by Underland Books, and for his writers' guide "Booklife," published by Tachyon Publications.

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Ian McDonald's brilliant Mars book, DESOLATION ROAD, finally back in print

Ian McDonald's Desolation Road is one of my most personally influential novels. It's an epic tale of the terraforming of Mars, whose sweep captures the birth and death of mythologies, economics, art, revolution, politics. Its publication preceded Kim Stanley Robinson's brilliant Red/Blue/Green Mars books by years, but the two are very good companions, in that McDonald captures almost everything Robinson got (in a third of the number of pages), and adds the poetry and spirituality of Mars in the bargain. — Read the rest

Clarion science fiction/fantasy workshop instructors announced

The Clarion Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Workshop at the University of California at San Diego has announced its 2009 instructor lineup: Holly Black, Larissa Lai, Robert Crais, and Kim Stanley Robinson with Elizabeth Hand and Paul Park. Clarion is the oldest science fiction writing workshop, a legendary boot-camp for writers (I'm a proud graduate, instructor, and director of the charitable Clarion Foundation). — Read the rest

Peak Population: when will population growth stop, why, and how?

Worldchanging's Alex Steffen's got a good, thoughtful piece up about "peak population," the idea that we'll crest humanity's most rapid period of population growth and that it will — and should — slow down from here. I love this quote from Kim Stanley Robinson, speaking of birth control: "empowering women is the best climate change technology." — Read the rest

New issue of Rudy's SF webzine now online


Flurb #4 ("A Webzine of Astonishing Tales") is online.

Rudy Rucker says:

It's another fat and juicy issue, including stories and essays by:

Charlie Anders, Kathleen Ann Goonan, John Kessel, Marc Laidlaw, Kim Stanley Robinson;

also Rudy's meeting with Hieronymus Bosch;

also pieces by three newer writers: David Agranoff, Gord Sellar, and Penlope Thomas;

also a group-written jam by "Gustav Flurbert"!

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Cory speaking at Utopiales sf con in Nantes, France

I'm one of the guests of honor at Utopiales, the international science fiction convention being held in Nantes, France on November 2-5. Other guests include Kim Stanley Robinson, Martha Wells, Lucius Sheppard and Norman Spinrad.

Du rouge au vert des petits hommes, Mars en aura vu de toutes les couleurs et demeure à ce jour le sanctuaire de tous les fantasmes en science-fiction.

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Cory's story in Future Washington anthology

I've got a story in Future Washington, an anthology that just came out. As the title implies, the anthology collects stories about the future of Washington DC, and in my case, the future of regulation, too. I've read about half the stories in the anthology since my contributor's copy arrived in the mail yesterday and I've yet to come up with a dud. — Read the rest