neuroscience Scientists discover how to hack the vagus nerve to fight autoimmune diseases Ellsworth Toohey
politics 90-year-old Dianne Feinstein hospitalized back home after tripping and falling Mark Frauenfelder
senate moments Oops! Dianne Feinstein begins to give a speech rather than simply voting "aye" (video) Carla Sinclair
cognitive decline Dianne Feinstein can't remember leaving Capitol for 3 months; snaps at reporter, "I haven't been gone." Mark Frauenfelder
senate Senator Feinstein contradicts her office on the whole not running for re-election thing Jason Weisberger
Marjorie "Jewish Space Lasers" Greene Marjorie Taylor Greene tells another lie about "Jewish space lasers" Mark Frauenfelder
california Adam Schiff joins the race for California's Senate seat; Senator Feinstein still on the fence Jason Weisberger
california Katie Porter is running for US Senate in 2024 regardless of what Diane Feinstein does Jason Weisberger