Science Your brain is much, much, MUCH slower than your Internet connection, new study shows Allan Rose Hill
economics Why humans crave expensive things just because they're expensive: The science of Veblen goods Ellsworth Toohey
neuroscience Alzheimer's breakthrough: Cancer drug wakes up sleepy brain cells in mice and human brain cells Mark Frauenfelder
Science I hear phantom music when I use a white noise machine, and I'm not alone: understanding auditory pareidolia Mark Frauenfelder
neuroscience Meditators can switch off their consciousness on demand, new study reveals David Pescovitz
neuroscience One night of lost sleep works as well as ketamine in fighting depression, says new study Mark Frauenfelder
psychology I had no choice but to share this article about a new book that says free will is an illusion Mark Frauenfelder
Science "New dimensions of reality": Near-death experiences persisted for an hour after patients' hearts stopped, neuroscientists reveal David Pescovitz
Science AI can now describe how something will smell by analyzing its chemical structure David Pescovitz
neuroscience Alice in Wonderland Syndrome is a bizarre brain condition where your perception of the world is wayyyy off David Pescovitz