Copyfight Minneapolis police are abusing copyright law to censor their controversial 'shoot-first' recruiting video Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Australian politician investigated for perjury over fake DMCA notices to Twitter Cory Doctorow
Business It's getting harder and harder to use gag clauses to silence laid off workers in America Cory Doctorow
Business Prestigious Pets of Dallas wants $1M from customers who said they overfed a fish Cory Doctorow
Business Salt Lake City apartment complex threatens tenants with eviction if they don't "Friend" the building Cory Doctorow
law Smart-meter vendor says that if we know how their system works, the terrorists will win Cory Doctorow
streisand effect UC Davis paid $175,000 or more to scrub police pepper spray incident from web searches Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Turkish government tells German ambassador to ban video satirizing president Erdoğan Cory Doctorow
animals Listen: whistleblower story that Marineland threatens to sue journalists for disclosing Cory Doctorow
law How a billionaire GOP rainmaker tried (and failed) to rewrite history by suing Mother Jones Cory Doctorow
books NZ bans award-winning YA novel after complaints from conservative Christian group Cory Doctorow
corruption Anti-corruption journalist immolated by cops, allegedly under orders from minister Cory Doctorow