Disney turns movie screenings into search-and-harass ordeals

Disney's started confiscating movie viewers' cellphones and cameras, and subjecting them to roving patrols of ushers, and marring the prints with red identification dots at fifteen minute intervals.

After the screening I went to the table to collect my cell phone and handed them my ticket. The table had over 100 phones on it in the plastic bags. The geniuses they have working security couldn't find my phone after five minutes of searching so I looked myself and managed to find the ticket number in about 30 seconds. While I was waiting though I was able to enjoy this conversation between security and a well dressed agent type:

"Do you have your ticket sir?"

"You never gave me a ticket."

"Yes we did sir."

"I have another ID."

"I need your ticket sir."

"You never gave me a ticket"

"You'll have to wait till we are done here and then we'll try to find your phone."

In despair the agent person said "Why am I being punished for your mistakes?"


(via Waxy)